About the Artist


I’m Chumee!

I’m a natural light photographer specializing in newborns and infants up to age two. I have spent the last couple of years photographing, studying, and exploring, the wonders of photography and the miracle of life. I love babies, their squishy little toes, sweet smiles, and tiny button noses. 


My approach and style to photography is pure, natural, simple and fresh. The first few days, when baby is sleepy and curled up as if still in the womb.

 I am your storyteller. I’m here to capture the story of your baby and portray that through my vision. The first smile, the flaky skin, and swish of curl upon their head. These are your memories that have only just begun.


Your child is priceless.

Capturing the first few days of your baby’s life with a photographer is something invaluable. These moments captured as photographs will be your memories forever... family heirlooms you will share with your child and their children for many years to come.

Don’t let these moments pass you by...